Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Eagles have hatched!

It's hard to concentrate on making cards when even my dog has become an eagle watcher!  He was attracted by the sound and tried to attack the speakers.

Last night Eaglet #3 came out of his shell.  How exciting to watch it hatch.  You can watch the close-up video HERE.  If you want to watch the Eagle Cam live, here's the link:  Decorah Eagles.  There are eagle watchers from 31 countries watching this.  Last night, there were over 100,000 viewers watching Mama Eagle sleep, with babies under her.

If you want to really be addicted, you can follow the eagles on Facebook.  This site is very fast moving with lots of photos posted.  This morning we had a glimpse of all 3 eaglets.

I'm still trying to get some cards designed, but this is so much fun and a chance of a lifetime.  It is so 'egg-citing' to watch our national bird in their normal lifestyle.  This has been going on forever, but this is our first opportunity to observe it so closely.  Thank you, Bob Anderson, for your vision and hard work to set this up.

Eaglet #1 just doesn't want to miss a thing!

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